Thursday, February 11, 2010

Change: It Starts With Me

Poverty, corruption, crimes and calamities, these are just some of the obstacles we are facing today. Many lives ended in just a minute. Lives those we human are treasures. Are there anymore solutions with these problems?

If we observe what is happening now in our country, we have lots of problems that we are encountering. One is poverty which is becoming more complicated. Poor people have no money; almost all are unhealthy and uneducated. They are hungry and harmed by diseases because of their environment. Some people commit crime because of poverty and desire to gain a lot of money or expensive belongings. Innocent people get in this situation because of the desires of these humans who have a bad mentality in life.

Corruption is also one of our problems we are facing today. This corruption affects many aspects of our life like health, education and environment. Government gets money from us for the project that they are implementing. But does that project reach us? Do we get any benefit about these projects? Some may say yes but just a few.

Calamity, that brings a terrible loss of our lives. We are the ones that should be blamed to this because of our careless acts. Our mother earth is getting ruin completely. Examples of these are illegal logging, burning of plastics that can destroy our ozone layer and throwing garbage in the river that may cause floods.

These are just some of our issues in our country that we should be aware of and need to find a solution.

We need some changes and it starts with me!
As a student, I should be responsible enough on my actions, deeds and mentality in life. I will be a good example to younger people to be a good citizen. Well, I, as a representative of an organization, we are implementing some projects that can help individuals to have a personal interest about our mother earth. There is also a seminar-workshop about crimes, drug and child abuse and others to guide us and cooperate to lessen these obstacles in our country. Starting to this little deeds and acts as a leader as well as a student; we are aiming to have a better and sophisticated country. In this, we hand in hand to face the future with determination, faith and a joy in our hearts. :)